“Light without Sun” is a documentary about Can Lis, a house designed by the Danish architect Jørn Utzon on the island of Mallorca and considered among the most significant projects of the twentieth century.
Set within one day, the film reflects the sensory nature of architecture, using interviews, narrative, and choreography to challenge how buildings are documented.
Directors Biographies – Marie Ramsing – Clara Kraft – Christopher Fischlein
Marie Ramsing is an filmmaker, architect and photographer based in Copenhagen. Centred around a hands-on, cross-disciplinary approach she creates innovative projects that connects architecture, film and art.
Clara Kraft Isono is an award winning filmmaker and UK based architect. Her films explore alternative readings of architectural histories, to include a multiplicity of perspectives and voices, often overlooked by the architectural cannon.
Christopher Sejer Fischlein is an artist based in London. His research-based practice employ varying mediums such as sculpture, performance, film, and sound to question and explore human corporeality in the 21st century.